About Falconry

Falconry has been defined as the sport of taking wild quarry in its natural state and habitat utilizing trained hawks. It is an ancient hunting Sport with roots in the Far East, which is thought to have begun some 2000-3000 years ago. It requires enormous personal commitment on the part of anyone considering taking up the sport of falconry to acquire the knowledge and practical skills required. Unlike other forms of hunting it demands personal commitment every single day to look after and maintain one’s hawk or falcon.

Birds of Prey are not and never will be anyone’s pet. They evolved to capture and kill their prey. The observation of these birds doing what nature intended in circumstances engineered by the falconer makes falconry a real-life drama.

Within the Sport of Falconry, there are many dividing lines between different aspects of the Sport created by the falconer’s aspirations and the quarry base open to him. It is vital to match the chosen hawk with the available hunting opportunities.

Falconry and the possession of hawks and falcons are strictly governed by laws and regulations at the national and provincial levels. No one in Saskatchewan may possess a bird of prey without having the appropriate permit(s) issued by the Ministry of Environment. Hunting seasons and regulations also apply to falconers.

If you are considering becoming a falconer you need to be aware of the very demanding nature of the sport. Serious dedication of time and energy from the falconer is required. The falconer must obtain the necessary permits and licenses before acquiring a hawk or practicing falconry.

The cost of the sport is also to be considered. Food, shelter, equipment, veterinary costs, permits and fees, and travel are all costs to be considered. You must have permission to enter adequate and convenient locations in which to fly a hawk or falcon and there must be an appropriate game available.

Therefore, most falconers will require evidence of a serious, committed interest in falconry before they will agree to help anyone newly attracted to the sport.

Meet the Members

  • Rick Bryne

  • Gail Bryne

  • Paddy

    Paddy (In Memoriam)

  • Dale

  • Bob

  • Nairn

  • Lynn

  • Rhonda

  • Nayeem

  • Paul

  • Lavan

  • Shelley

  • Aryan

  • Simon

  • Ambroise


  • Brandon

Join the Association

Take flight with falconry: Join the association and soar towards a world of majestic conservation.